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What you can do to make a sticky New Year’s resolution this year

What you can do to make a sticky New Year’s resolution this year

Did you set a New Year’s resolution to improve your health in 2024? Thousands of Americans do the same thing each year, so you’re part of the in-crowd! Now’s a good time to separate yourself, though, by making your resolution stick.

Many people create resolutions each year and then quickly fall off the resolution horse months or even weeks into the year. According to U.S. News & World Report, up to 80% of resolution-makers don’t achieve their goals, and many give up by February. When it comes to your health, we at West Jefferson Medical Center want those resolutions to stick. The good news is: You can take steps now to make your resolution more successful.

Choosing the right New Year’s resolution

The key to finding success with your resolution is to choose your resolution wisely. Many resolution ideas are big-picture ideas—like the resolution we mentioned earlier about getting healthier this year.

It’s great to want to improve your health, but it’s also vague. It’s more of a wish than a goal. To help you achieve that resolution, it’s best to make it more specific. Which aspect of your health do you want to improve?

Maybe you want to lose weight or perhaps you’re looking to lower your cholesterol numbers before next year’s checkup. That is your resolution. Focusing in on a specific target is the first step toward making your resolution a reality.

How to make this year’s resolution a successful one

Once you’ve selected your resolution—and narrowed it, as necessary—take aim at making it stick! You’ll set yourself up for success if you do a little prep work early in the year. As they say, “a goal without a plan is only a wish.”

These tips can help you get started:

Break your resolution down. After you’ve nailed down your overall goal, segment that goal into smaller action items. Looking to lose weight? Schedule two workouts into your schedule each week for a month. Want to eat healthier? Plan out your meals for the week and make a grocery list. Have a goal to reduce your stress? Starting a new hobby or picking up an old one can be a good strategy.

Reward yourself for achievement. You are more likely to continue making progress if you highlight your achievements along the way! Gift yourself a new workout top when you finish those workouts every week for a month. Find a yummy new recipe for next week after sticking with your meal plan for the week. Just don’t make the reward something that jeopardizes your resolution.

Learn from your failures. Tried to lower your cholesterol before and quickly fell back on a bad habit or two? Failure isn’t an end point. It can be a learning opportunity. Think about what caused you to trip up the first time, then work on ways to avoid it. If it’s too challenging to exercise in 30-minute blocks, break your workouts into smaller chunks or do longer workouts a couple times a week. If you couldn’t stop eating your favorite fast food, look for healthier alternatives with all of the flavor and less of the fat, sodium and calories.

Share your goals with others. Tell your friends and your family (and anyone else who will listen) about your resolution and how you’re going to make it happen. Having others in the know about your plans can help you stick with them long-term. They can encourage you to keep you accountable and even come along for the ride sometimes. Share your achievements, too. Having someone celebrate your wins with you will not only feel good, but it will also drive you to achieve even more.

Resolving to improve your health this year? A checkup is a good place to begin. Schedule an appointment with your West Jefferson Medical Center primary care provider!