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Employee Testimonials

Stories From the People That Make WJMC What It Is Today

"What my job means to me"

Angelle White

With the economy uncertainties today, I feel very fortunate to work for an employer who consistantly places high on the community's "best place to work list". We are always open and always busy. Job security is very important to me and I have that here. The motto we are family is true. I spend a lot of time working here and I love my coworkers. They are a diverse group of people and each brings a unique perspective and talent to this organization. I am a better person for this experience!

Angelle White
DRG Assurance Specialist
West Jefferson Medical Center

Ms. Alicia Roche

My job in Health Information Management is to ensure that patient information is accurate, visible and correctly labeled on patients medical records. My job is very important to me because it deals with the accuracy of patients permanent medical records which is extremely important so I make sure it's correct. I enjoy working at West Jefferson Medical Center; this is my second home, it feels like we're a family here. Our department continuously learns new things and faces challenges but we stick together and get through the tough times together; that's what makes West Jefferson Medical Center special. And it's proven because we rank in the top 100 places to work!

Ms. Alicia Roche'
Health Information Management
West Jefferson Medical Center

Pam Helmstetter

I have been a part of the West Jefferson Medical Center family for almost 18 years. From my early time in the Newborn Nursery/NICU to my present position as Perinatal Educator/Outreach Liaison, I have always been extremely happy here. I have been blessed with supervisors who have always been approachable and supportive. I love the dynamics of Maternity nursing and am proud of the advances our Unit has made into the 21st century. Today we are one of only two hospitals in the City who offer the water birth option. We have one of the largest prenatal education programs in New Orleans and the only hospital in the area to offer teen specific prenatal classes and also prenatal classes in Spanish. All of this has been made possible because of our team commitment to giving back to the people who live here. WJMC has a reputation for being the premier West Bank hospital, a visible presence at many public events and an integral part of Health Care in this Community. I will always be grateful for the opportunity to grow in my career at West Jeff. It is truly my home away from home.

Pam Helmstetter RN LCCE CLC
West Jefferson Medical Center

"Why I Love working at West Jeff"

Birdy Lara

I began working in the Pediatric ER as a unit/registration clerk in August 2004. I loved my job and I put 110% into my work and strived to make my job fun; and it was. The time came when I decided that since my children were older it was time for me to make a life altering change and go back to school. Here I am with my degree in Respiratory Therapy, and when I go to work, I go to work with a smile. My second family is at West Jefferson Medical Center, because without my friends in the Peds ER and Respiratory Department I would never have achieved my life long wish to graduate from college. Now I have an exciting career in Respiratory Therapy.

Birdy Lara
DRG Assurance Specialist
West Jefferson Medical Center