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Seize the day (and better health) on Global Wellness Day

Seize the day (and better health) on Global Wellness Day

Here in Louisiana, we know all about living the good life. Did you know there’s a day each year dedicated to living well?

Global Wellness Day has been commemorated since 2012 on the second Saturday of June. Initially established in Turkey and then taken internationally, Global Wellness Day is designed to acknowledge that people across the world would like to live healthy lives and feel their best.

How will you mark the occasion this year? Our West Jefferson Medical Center team encourages you to seize the opportunity to reflect on your health and take action to improve it.

What is “wellness,” anyway?

The word “wellness” has different meanings to different people, but generally speaking, being well means that you are in good physical health, mental health, social health and emotional health.

Finding wellness is an active, ongoing process.

An action plan for improving your wellness

Join our West Jefferson Medical Center team in celebrating Global Wellness Day this year. You can start with simple steps that are all about making healthy choices:

  • Schedule your annual checkup. If you haven’t seen your primary care provider (PCP) in a while, now’s a good time to put an appointment on the calendar. Your PCP can help you keep an eye on your physical and mental health and offer you valuable guidance to help you achieve wellness.
  • Drink up. Regardless of what you’ve read on the internet or seen on TikTok, there’s no one-size-fits-all guideline for how much water you need each day. You should be drinking water, so sip on water throughout the day, not just when you’re thirsty. When you’re well-hydrated, you’ll feel better physically, mentally and emotionally.
  • Take a stroll. If a trip to the gym isn’t in the cards, that’s OK! You can incorporate physical activity into your day with a simple walk after dinner, early in the morning or on your lunch break. Walking offers an extra benefit, too. You can focus inward and be mindful as you stroll, or distract yourself with something pleasurable, such as listening to music or an audiobook. Both help lower stress.
  • Sit down for a family dinner. Social isolation can be as harmful to your health as smoking in some cases. Do your mind and body good by spending time with loved ones, which can help lower your blood pressure and your stress level.
  • Fuel your body in a healthy way. Another place you should make intentional choices is your dinner plate. Limit your intake of processed foods, which often contain many unhealthy additives, including sugar and sodium. Fill your plate with vegetables and fruits, whole grains, lean protein sources, and a small amount of healthy fat, such as what’s found in certain types of fish and nuts.
  • Hit the sheets earlier. Experts recommend that most adults get between seven and nine hours of sleep each night. When you don’t get enough sleep, you won’t feel at your best physically, mentally or emotionally—and your social interactions will also be negatively impacted. Head to bed a little earlier tonight; your health will thank you.
  • Do something kind for someone else. Wellness isn’t always about a lifestyle habit. Changing how you interact with others can also lead to a feeling of overall wellness. Whether you volunteer your time at a local food pantry, run a quick errand for a friend or simply give someone a compliment, you benefit as much as the recipient does.

No matter what you choose to do on Global Wellness Day, be well! It benefits us all when more of us are at our healthiest.

Regular checkups with a primary care provider are a vital part of maintaining good health and wellness! Schedule a primary care appointment today.