Like many people, you may struggle for a good night's sleep. A daytime nap may seem like a good way to recoup some of that lost slumber. But you may be dozing at your own risk.
What happens when your healthcare provider taps on your knee with a rubber mallet? Your leg kicks forward, seemingly on its own. And in a sense, your leg has a mind of its own , in your spinal cord.
Overall, cosmetics and personal care items are considered safe. But that doesn't mean that there aren't risks linked to their use, particularly if you don't use them correctly.
Every year, millions of Americans roll up their sleeves to donate blood, helping accident victims, surgical patient and others in need. How much do you know about blood transfusions? Take this multiple-choice test and find out.
The number of older people losing their vision is growing, yet experts say much of this vision loss could be prevented.
Don't sit too close to the TV. Don't watch TV without a light on in the room. Don't use over-the-counter eyedrops. Are these statements true? Find out by taking the following quiz.
It doesn't take a thunderous rock concert to cause hearing loss. Any repeated high-volume experiences or 1-shot booms can damage the delicate nerve cells of your inner ear. Here's what you need to know.
Checking the throat and neck can help your healthcare provider diagnose many illnesses and disorders. These range from swollen glands to thyroid problems.
Your stomach's starring role is as an organ essential for digestion. The stomach breaks down all the food you eat.
A voice disorder is when a person has a problem with pitch, volume, tone, and other qualities of their voice. These problems occur when the vocal cords don't vibrate normally.
The immune system works to keep germs out of the body and destroy any that get in. It is made up of a complex network of cells and organs.
Detailed information on dental implants, including types and possible risks.
The endocrine system includes not only the pancreas, the organ involved in the development of diabetes, but also the pituitary, thyroid, and other glands.
Detailed information on the different types of scars, and how to treat them.
Even the best-prepared parents may be surprised by a few things that are quite normal in newborns.
A detailed look at the respiratory system and how it works.
When your healthcare provider presses on your belly, they are feeling to see if any major internal organs are enlarged or tender, making them painful to touch, which could mean disease.
Detailed information on the thyroid gland, including anatomy and function.
Healthcare providers often consider chronically low blood pressure too low only if it drops suddenly or causes noticeable symptoms.
Read on for a detailed look at the parts that make up the ear, nose, and throat.